Struggling with a painful or unsightly podiatric problem? Rocky Mountain Foot & Ankle’s podiatry library offers helpful, in-depth articles on common conditions and the treatments and services our practice offers.
Do You Or A Family Member Need The Help Of An Experienced Podiatrist In The Caldwell Or Meridian, Idaho Area?
If you're seeking the help of an experienced podiatrist you owe it to yourself to speak with our doctors as soon as possible. Please feel free to contact us online or call our office directly at 208.855.5955 to schedule your appointment. We service all areas surrounding Meridian, Idaho as well as all areas in the Caldwell, Idaho area. We look forward to helping you!
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Practical, Protective Foot Health Steps for People With DiabetesRead our blog to learn some practical and protective foot health steps for those with diabetes from Dr. Roman Burk of Rocky Mountain Foot & Ankle.
Fighting the Five Most Common Foot WoesDr. Roman Burk gives advice on how to properly fight the 5 most common type of foot woes people face. Click the link to learn more!
Protective Foot Health Steps for People With DiabetesHere are some protective foot health steps that people with diabetes can follow to keep their feet healthy, from podiatrist Roman Burk.
Jones FracturesIn this blog Dr. Roman Burk of Rocky Mountain Foot & Ankle explains what jones fractures are, the causes, and treatment options.
Achilles Tendon RupturesFor this blog, Dr. Roman Burk of Rocky Mountain Foot & Ankle explains what an Achilles tendon rupture is and possible treatment options.
High Ankle SprainsHigh ankle sprains are a very common injury. Dr. Roman Burk will explain what is a high ankle sprain, the common causes, and what type of treatment to expect.
Chronic (Over-use) Basketball InjuriesFoot injuries are common in basketball. In this blog Rocky Mountain Foot & Ankle explains some chronic (over-use) injuries and how to treat them.
Ski Boots and Knee PainSkiing is a popular winter activity. After a while your ski boots can cause knee pain. Click to learn why this is & what you can do to prevent knee pain...
Purchasing Proper Shoes for Your ChildrenMaking sure your child has the proper shoes is important or proper foot development. Click the link to ready the advice Dr. Burk offers on the subject.