Podiatric problems got you down? Browse Rocky Mountain Foot & Ankle’s podiatry blog for helpful information on common foot and ankle conditions, as well as the innovative treatments and services we offer to help patients get back on their feet.
Do You Or A Family Member Need The Help Of An Experienced Podiatrist In The Caldwell Or Meridian, Idaho Area?
If you're seeking the help of an experienced podiatrist you owe it to yourself to speak with our doctors as soon as possible. Please feel free to contact us online or call our office directly at 208.855.5955 to schedule your appointment. We service all areas surrounding Meridian, Idaho as well as all areas in the Caldwell, Idaho area. We look forward to helping you!
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A Short History of SocksDr. Roman Burk uses this blog to go into the history of socks. When were they created, how are they made, different types, and why they are important.
Your Feet and Summer Water FunSummer is a time where people escape the heat by going swimming. Be aware of some things to make sure you and your feet stay healthy.
Ten More Interesting and Fun Facts About FeetDr. Roman Burk has already listed some interesting feet facts. Now he is back with 10 more interesting and fun facts about feet. Click to learn more!
Six Interesting and Fun Facts About FeetDr. Roman Burk of Rocky Mountain Foot & Ankle lists 6 fun and interesting facts about feet. Click the link to learn more!
Oh, My Feet Hurt! National Foot Health Awareness MonthApril is national foot health awareness month. Dr. Burk offers several tips on how to make sure your feet stay healthy and avoid injury or infection.
Put Some Spring in Your StepSpring is here and so is Dr. Burk giving advice on what to watch for, and shop for, to make your spring as enjoyable as possible while keeping your feet healthy
How to Have Happy & Healthy Feet for the HolidaysIt is the holiday season. Rocky Mountain Foot& Ankle uses this blog to give some tips on how to keep your feet healthy during this holiday season.
Shoe and Sock Drive to Benefit Treasure Valley HomelessRocky Mountain Foot & Ankle is helping those in need in Treasure Valley through our Sole Purpose shoe & sock drive.. Click the link to learn more!
Beach this Summer? Protect Your Feet!It's summer which typically means beach time, and your feet are exposed more often. Click to learn how to keep your feet protected this summer.
Back Pain? Your Feet May Be Behind ItBelieve it or not, if you have been experiencing lower back pain, if you haven't been injured recently the actual source of the pain could be your feet!
What You Eat Affects Your FeetMost people don’t think about how diet affects various parts of their body, including their feet. This is how food affects various foot conditions.
Seven New Year’s Resolutions for Healthy FeetHere are 7 resolutions from, Dr. Roman Burk of Rocky Mountain Foot & Ankle, you can make to maintain healthier feet in 2017.