5. Stair Stretches

Stand on a stair with your right foot at the front of the stair and your left foot at the back–so that only your left toes are on the stair and the rest of the foot is hanging off the edge. Allow the heel to drop for 30 seconds and then press it up for 10. Repeat this combination 3 to 5 times and then swap so that your left foot is at the front and your right is hanging off the edge.

6. Iced Stretches

While sitting in a chair, place the arch of your foot over the top of a frozen water bottle and slowly roll the bottle against your foot, forwards and backwards, 5 times. Then switch to the other foot.

Dr. P. Roman Burk
Providing experienced private practice podiatry services in the Caldwell and Meridian, ID area since 2007.